Magical Bridge

Magical Bridge

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti or a Man in a Suit?

Is Bigfoot a reality? many people seem to think so and with sightings scatted across the globe there is certainly enough evidence for bigfoot to be a possibility. But what is this strange humanoid creature, could each sighting be a man in a suit or is there some scientific truth behind the legend?...

This humanoid creature has several names: Bigfoot, Sasquach, Yeti and other local names from far off cultures, but no matter what the name the descriptions of these creatures are always incredibly similar. A large 7-9 foot tall hairy ape like creature, that stands on two legs and stalks mountainous woody areas with large feet and a howling call. All sightings are short and fleeting, often with the creature spotting the hiker or hunter and running off deeper into the forests before any physical evidence is gained. The few photographs or video footage that are gathered are often quickly dismissed as fakes.


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